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③Blacksmith Kokuro's Home的武器专卖商,在剧情发展到打败巴别巨人之后才会出现。


地名 地图编号 武器屋 防具屋 物品屋
武器名 价格 防具名 价格 物品名 价格
Town of Baron
1 ThunderRod 700 Bandanna(帽子) 450 Potion 30
Healing(杖) 480 Kenpou(衣服) 4000 PhoenixDown 100
FlameClaw 350 Silver(手镯) 650 GoldNeedle 400
IceClaw 450 MaidensKiss 60
Thunder(爪) 550 EyeDrop 30
Antidote 40
Tent 100
Vegetable 50
Village of Mist
3 Whip(鞭) 3000 Poet(衣服) 70
Dancing(小刀) 5000
Oasis Village of Kaipo
4 Rod 100 LeatherHat 100 Potion 30
Staff 160 Cloth(衣服) 50 PhoenixDown 100
Bow 220 Leather(衣服) 200 GoldNeedle 400
Iron(箭) 10 IronBangle 100 MaidensKiss 60
EyeDrop 30
Antidote 40
Tent 100
Vegetable 50
9 FlameClaw 350 Potion 30
IceClaw 450 PhoenixDown 100
Thunder(爪) 550 GoldNeedle 400
Demon(头盔) 980 MaidensKiss 60
Demon(铠甲) 3000 EyeDrop 30
Demon(护手) 800 Antidote 40
Tent 100
Vegetable 50
10 IceRod 220 Triangle(帽子) 700 Potion 30
FlameRod 380 GaeaRobe 500 PhoenixDown 100
Healing(杖) 480 Silver(手镯) 650 GoldNeedle 400
CrossBow 700 Light(盾) 700 MaidensKiss 60
Holy(箭) 20 Light(头盔) 4000 EyeDrop 30
Knight(铠甲) 8000 Antidote 40
GauntLet 3000 Tent 100
Vegetable 50
Mithril Town
12 Mithril(杖) 4000 Mithril(盾) 1000 MaidensKiss 60
Mithril(小刀) 3000 Mithril(头盔) 3000 LuckyMallet 80
Mithril(锤) 8000 Mithril(铠甲) 17000 DietFood 100
Mithril(剑) 6000 Mithril(护手) 2000
Town of Toroil
14 Mallet(锤) 80 LeatherHat 100 Potion 30
GreatBow 2000 PlumedHat 330 PhoenixDown 100
Flame(箭) 30 Cloth(衣服) 50 GoldNeedle 400
Ice(箭) 30 Leather(衣服) 200 MaidensKiss 60
Lightning(箭) 30 RubyRing 1000 EyeDrop 30
Antidote 40
Tent 100
Vegetable 50
Village of Agalt
16 Rod 100 Iron(盾) 100 Potion 30
Staff 160 Iron(头盔) 150 PhoenixDown 100
Spear 60 Iron(铠甲) 600 GoldNeedle 400
Boomerang 3000 Iron(护手) 130 MaidensKiss 60
Bow 220 IronBangle 100 EyeDrop 30
CrossBow 700 Antidote 40
Iron(箭) 10 Tent 100
Holy(箭) 20 Vegetable 50
Castle of Dwarves
地下2 DwarfAxe 15000 Flame(盾) 1250 PhoenixDown 100
GreatBow 2000 Flame(铠甲) 30000 Potion 30
Darkness(箭) 40 PriestHat 2000 Hi-Potion 150
Flame(箭) 14000 PriestRobe 1200 Tent 100
FlameSpear 11000 RuneRing 2000 Cottage 500
DwarfBread 100
Vegetable 50
Remedy 1000
Cave of Eblana
17 PowerStaff 2000 Ice(盾) 10000 GoldNeedle 400
IceBrand 26000 Ice(铠甲) 35000 MaidensKiss 60
IceSpear 21000 BlackRobe 10000 LuckyMallet 80
Kunai(忍刀) 4000 DietFood 100
Boomerang 3000 EchoHerb 50
KillerBow 3000 EyeDrop 30
Poinson(箭) 70 Antidote 40
Cross 100
Village of Tomera
地下5 Ashura(忍刀) 7000 Diamond(盾) 15000 PhoenixDown 100
ChainWhip 6000 Diamond(头盔) 10000 Potion 30
OgreKiller 45000 Diamond(铠甲) 40000 Hi-Potion 150
KillerBow 3000 Diamond(护手) 5000 Tent 100
Mute(箭) 100 GoldBand(发饰) 20000 Cottage 500
Diamond(指环) 4000 DwarfBread 100
Vegetable 50
Remedy 1000
Blacksmith Kokuro's Home
地下6 Shuriken 20000
HellWind(手里剑) 50000
Yoichi(箭) 140
Phantom World
地下8 Whip 3000 Aegis(盾) 20000 PhoenixDown 100
ChainWhip 6000 LightRobe 30000 Potion 30
Electric(鞭) 10000 Hi-Potion 150
Kotetsu(忍刀) 11000 Tent 100
FairyRod 5000 Cottage 500
Energy(棒) 7000 DwarfBread 100
Angel(箭) 110 Vegetable 50
Remedy 1000
Hummingway Cave
月球3 Hi-Potion 150
PhoenixDown 100
Ether 10000
DryEther 50000
Elixir 100000
Cottage 500
Monster 980
Flute 20000
地名 地图编号 武器名 价格 防具名 价格 物品名 价格
武器屋 防具屋 物品屋